Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What is the MWPCC?

What is the MWPCC?
Back east, Sugar Glider lovers have big conferences in hotels with presenters and sponsors and fun and parties and memories and websites and such (like this). I, for one, am a little jealous! Getting to meet friends who UNDERSTAND why we sometimes keep small animals in our bra and DON'T get tired of hearing how cute our furbabies are... and meeting and hanging out with them in real life? Awesome.

And so I thought we should start one of our own. Sure the parties of our club might easily be held in one of our living rooms instead of a Marriott, and we might end up just talking about pets and playing poker for yogurt drops BUT it will be something!

And thus the Mountain West (so that if anybody in Utah, Colorado, Idaho, etc.) feels like joining up are welcome) Pocket Critter (so if anybody has a flying squirrel, marmoset, hedgehog, gerbil, or other little exotic is feeling lonely they can come, too! They have things in common, and hopefully those who have them can bring the expertise.) Conference (Well, Club... that has get-togethers and STRIVES for real conferences SOMEDAY.)

We welcome Experts and Newbies, Breeders and Non-Owning Devotees, Regulars on Glider Central, Glider Gossip, Glider Alley, Animal Craze... or even KSL.com or Craigslist!

Anyone who loves our sweet suggies!

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